We produce our own content including podcasts, assessment tools, e-learning videos, and digital and print resources.
The LEIC planning page is an informal tool that was created by the POPFASD team. It incorporates information from the field of FASD and effective student planning practices. The purpose for the tool is to guide a constructive and positive conversation about a student, focusing on the student's strengths and needs. The tool is most effectively used when all team members have a solid understanding of FASD.
As a new teacher consultant with POPFASD (a program designed to teach other educators in British Columbia about FASD) I wanted to learn more about this disorder through the eyes, experiences and knowledge from others in the field. This first series includes interviews with a motivational speaker with FASD, a nueroscientist, a caregiver, a key-worker, and educators, finishing off with a roundtable discussion about POPFASD and its history. The interviews with these individuals are centered around how we as educators can best support students with FASD in our classrooms.
A new POPFASD podcast series that highlights research, personal stories, strategies, and more related to education and FASD.