Doorways to Conversation - Brief Intervention on Substance Use with Girls and Women
FASD 101
FASD Through a Variety of Lenses - Bonus Episode - History of POPFASD
What does history teach us about Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder?
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder: Building on Strengths
Toward a Standard Definition of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder in Canada
The FASD Dictionary
The FASD Success Show - Episode 002 - CanFASD Executive Director Audrey McFarlane
Alcohol in pregnancy - What is a safe amount to drink?
What Can Alcohol Do To A Foetus?
FASD: Living with a brain and body disability
FASD: A Whole-Body Diagnosis
Understanding FASD - Prenatal Alcohol Exposure and the Developing Brian
The FASD Success Show - Episode 010 - MRIs and the FASD Brain with Dr. Catherine Lebel
The Unique Complexities of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
Health Inequalities in Canada
Doorways to Conversation - Brief Intervention on Substance Use with Girls and Women
Proof: Drinking During Pregnancy Causes FASD
Proof: Some Think Drinking During Pregnancy is OK. It’s Not.
Excluded: Increasing Understanding, Support and Inclusion for Children with FASD and their Families
CDBC - So you want to get an assessment...?
Brain impairment in FASD
Why is FASD diagnosis important?
Special Education Services - A Manual of Policies, Procedures and Guidelines
Because substance use has wide-ranging effects on many different aspects of life, service providers across a range of health care and social service settings can have an important role in addressing the potential harms of substance use and improving overall health.
This resource focuses on brief intervention with girls and women in the preconception and perinatal period. Service providers from a range of backgrounds will find it relevant to their practice, including:
- Midwives
- Physicians
- Nurses
- Indigenous health care providers
- Anti-violence workers
- Pregnancy outreach workers
- Sexual health service providers
- Substance use workers

Year Published
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80 pages