Teaching for the Prevention of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Grades 1 – 12: A Resource for Teachers of Health and Life Skills, and Career and Life Management
This resource provides learning activities and background information for learner outcomes related to alcohol use and FASD. The goal of this resource is to raise awareness of the effects and characteristics of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) through learning activities that teachers can incorporate into the health and life skills programs. It provides strategies, activities and student information sheets focusing on the prevention of alcohol use and abuse during pregnancy. A handout for community resource people offers tips for working with students and outlines the specific goals and learning outcomes for the (Alberta) health program. The resource has a focus on three themes: understanding relationships, dealing with feelings, and managing risks and making personal choices. Strategies for Grades 1 – 3 level focus on building skills to make healthy choices and do not directly address FASD. Strategies at the Grades 4 – 6, Grades 7 – 9, and Grades 10 – 12 focus on building skills for healthy choices and integrate content and activities that directly address FASD.
Note: This resource may be suitable for use with BC learning outcomes for Health and Career Education K to 7, Health and Career Education 8 and 9, Planning 10 and the Graduation Portfolio (if required!).
POPFASD has not used this program in the classroom – if you know of anyone who has used this, please invite the person to “post a comment”.
Hard copy: The Learning Resources Centre, $12.85; ISBN 9780778513445; ISBN – 10: 0778513440; online order #46747; see website at: Alberta Learning Resources or mail order to:
12360-142 Street, NW
Edmonton, AB T5L 4X9
(toll-free in BC: 1-888-310-7777)