Tough Kids and Substance Abuse: a drug awareness program for children with ARND, FAS, FAE and cognitive disabilities
Features a new drug awareness program that provides educators and other youth community professionals with practical strategies related to educating this group of youth about alcohol, inhalant and other drug issues. The resource book is divided into four units:
- Where Do We Begin? Assessing Students’ Knowledge (5 lessons)
- How Does Substance Abuse Affect the Body? (3 lessons)
- What are Feelings? (3 lessons)
- Personalized Safety Plans
Appendices include: bibliography, Materials, Drug Index, Internet Resources
Also includes a great introduction which explains the O.N.E. S.T.E.P. approach or redesigning environments for students with FASD
8 x 11 format, coil bound. Many worksheets.
Note: POPFASD has not used this program in the classroom – if you know of anyone who has used this, please have them write a comment. Also note that the curriculum was written in 2000 prior to current research on “brain-based behaviour”.
Hard copy:
The Addictions Foundation of Manitoba Library
1031 Portage Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3G 0R8
Telephone 204-944-6279 or 1-866-638-2561
Fax 204-772-0225
ISBN 1894684168
Date reviewed: November, 2006 (April 2014)