Reach to Teach: Educating Elementary and Middle School Children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders
The content is organized in six sections:
- Introduction to FASD
- FASD in the Classroom
- Strategies for Improving School Success
- Reach to Teach: Applying Successful Strategies
- References
- Resources
Two case studies are used throughout to exemplify issues and applications of strategies. The information is presented in simple and direct user-friendly language – very easy to read, comprehend and apply. Suitable for parents and teachers and others in the educational system. Very useful for classroom assistants.
Hard copy: Printed copies can be ordered free of charge from SAMHSA’s National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information (NCADI).
Note: you cannot order on-line from Canada – fax your order with contact information to 240-221-429 Attention: Sarah Barone. If you have any questions, contact SAMHSA at 240-221-4019

Year Published
60 pages